How to create a series of Buddha’s rays using CSS

2 Step Guide to Create Buddha’s rays Only Using HTML and CSS.

Nirmani warakaulla
Nerd For Tech


Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, was a Buddhist teacher, philosopher, and spiritual leader who is often regarded as the founder of Buddhism. During his meditation, he received all of the answers he had been seeking, and he attained complete consciousness, transforming himself into Buddha.

Have you ever considered that we can use computer languages to create an animated version of Buddha’s rays??? So, let’s get started…

I wanted to show you how easy it is to create an animated design for Buddha’s ray only using basic HTML, and CSS.

So, in this article, I will show you how you can create it following 2 steps.

Step 01

Create an index.html file and write the code below.

Step 02:

Create a style.css file to style your design and write the code below.

Make Sure, all of the images and CSS files link perfectly.

You can download the image for Lord Buddha here.


Hope you found this helpful. Do reach out to me if you have any trouble implementing this or if you need any help.



Nirmani warakaulla
Nerd For Tech

Experienced UI/UX engineer deeply committed to creating impactful solutions through innovative design.